Forwarding: Lenses
Forwarding: Lenses is the second of the Forwarding projects. All are based on a set of 306 shapes drawn by Rachel Blair Greene in the late 19th-century and which fit together to make up her Crazy Quilt, now in the collection of the American Folk Art Museum. Whereas Forwarding I-XI (and its progenitor Correspondence) focus on the flat shapes and the quilt itself, Forwarding: Lenses are hand polished resin-infused plaster sculptures which describe a metaphor: between artist and viewer, an artwork functions as a projection lens, casting ideas and attention back and forth in time.
The first eleven Forwarding: Lenses can be seen here. Each is made from a shape taken at random from one of the groups chosen for Forwarding I-XI. The other 295 pieces have yet to be produced. For a deeper look at the Forwarding projects visit Forwarding Related Material.
All Image Credits: Tom Powel Imaging
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